Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Is Almost Here, Clay!

Christmas 2009, is soon approaching. This year especially, has been a year of reflection for me.
I've spent the last 2 years going through Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer. With 2 remissions, and now a third recurrence coming. I've learned all over what 'having regrets' is all about.
I wouldn't be where I am today, without my family support behind me, and they mean the world to me.
I've had 2 different Oncologists tell me within a month of each other, that I WILL die from this Cancer. I thought I was always the kind of woman who wanted the truth, no matter what the cost.
I was wrong.
Their words removed my 'HOPE', and depression set in something fierce.
All my life, I've been taught that 'someone always has it worse than me, no matter what battle I may be in.
I temporarily forgot my own motto, as I sunk deeper and deeper. I lost my hope, I lost my fight, and I lost the will to even get up each day.
I kept searching, and searching for a way to escape my selfish thoughts, almost to no avail.
Within the last 3 weeks, I happened to see a child in a wheelchair on tv, who obviously had life worse than I. Just the fact that the wheelchair is the only way they can live, was enough knowledge to take away my selfish self pity ways.
Since that day, my HOPE is back, my struggles are lessened, and I am once again in the Survivor mode of living.
This time of year, being a hard core Clay Aiken fan, is my favorite for listening to Clay singing.
Fortunately, I met Clay on November 5th, 2005 at the JNT concert in Eugene, Oregon
He is indeed a Man of Integrity, Upstanding Character, Morals , Values, and Honesty.
Having his Christmas music to listen to as I go through these battles, I am not unarmed. I am not a loser, I am a winner!!!

May you and your family always turn to each other for the love, and May you, and your family always turn to Clay Aiken, for the beauty of his voice, as he sings out the traditional Christmas songs that bring all of us closer to one another. Whether it be family, or Clay fans.
Dear Lord.... Bless my loved ones, my Clay friends, and Clay, Parker, and Jaymes. Oh, and don't forget Grandma Faye!!!

Top video.. Celebrate Me Home!
Bottom video.. O Holy Night
*If you listen real quiet....****** You Can Hear The Angel Voices******
[videos courtesy of 'spotlightlover' taken in Portland, Oregon Nov.4th 2005]


SueReu said...

Hey sweetie, let's HOPE that Clay gets here to our neck of the woods - how fun to meet up at a concert? Can you say Summer of 2010?? It's just around the corner!!

If you ever need anything, you just let me know - I'm pretty sure you have my email from the WFI information sent out.

Take care, have hope, love your family & friends. We are so blessed - we get Clay :D YAY US!

tigerpat said...

Awww, Martygirl. May you have all the hope, and peace, and love your heart can hold and then some.

And the music of Clay to strengthen and soften your days when you need one, or the other, or both.

{{{hugs to you}}}

Anonymous said...

I can not even imagine what you have been going through. I am glad that once again you have found the strength to fight and lick this horrible disease. I will be praying for you.

Clay has a voice that lifts the soul. I too love that he lives his private life quietly going about helping others. I am sure he would be touched by your post and wish you the best.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Fight the fight. God bless.

cyndy said...

Marti, here is a little Clay Christmas present for you. Enjoy!

copingincalifornia said...

Thank you for your heartfelt blog. And for sharing about Clay Aiken. I love to listen to him when I am at my lowest point. Something about his voice is angelic and truly lifts me up. Bless you.

musicfan said...

Clay Aiken does help the soul!! Whenever I feel down, I listen to him and feel so much better.

Martigyrl......I hope you know that Clay fans are family and when a family member needs support, we are here to help in any way we can. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are a strong lady and I wish I could give you a big hug!!

katy said...

Martigyrl, what a beautiful post. I love your spirit and will send good thoughts and prayers to you.

clayaikenfan said...

Beautiful blog, I wish you the best!

Dianne Barbee said...


Thank you for sharing your story in this blog. I am saddened to read about your health, but I applaud your spirit. Listening to Clay Aiken's music of the Christmas season can renew one's hope.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season!


tnmtmama said...

Hey, Marty! Prayers for you, and best wishes for you and your family at this time.

Martigyrl said...

Thanks to each and every one of you who have left a comment for me. How the heck did all of you see my blog. Did it come out in a google alert?? I didn't get THAT alert, if it did. lol
Yes, Clay feeds the soul. There is no other way to describe where his voice takes you to. Merry Christmas .... All Is Well!!

jeann11 said...

Hello Marti! Thank you for sharing your story.I admire your strength and determination.You will be in my Prayers.Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Oh,and I love that Clay Aiken guy too.


Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of love and light. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. In my heart I'm lifting you up into the light.

Anonymous said...

Martigyrl, hope is all we have...besides Clay Aiken music and both can get you through the toughest times. Keep fighting the fight. Have a wonderful Christmas and God Bless.


clayam said...

All the best to you Martigyrl.and Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your touching story. Wishing you all the best and keeping you in my prayers.

Merry Christmas!

Dianne Barbee said...


You asked how we knew about your blog. When it came through Google Tuesday afternoon, a ChP member reported it to the board.

As a former member, you remember how supportive ChP'ers are. The board has moved. Get in touch with Chexxxy and join us again.

Thinking of you and hope to see you soon!


chel4clay said...

Martigyrl, your story has really touched me. How strong you are. Keep fighting girl and if you need us we'll be here for you. Wishing you the merriest Christmas and the happiest of New Years, hopefully filled with lots and lots of Clay Aiken. God Bless you and you are in my prayers everyday.

Anonymous said...


You are a winner!Faith will be there for you. I sure you will attend the next Clay Concert!
You are in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

"Victory Is Always Possible For The Person Who Refuses To Stop Fighting"

Anonymous said...

Martigyrl, we've never met but I can tell from your blog that you're a kind and courageous person. I agree that Clay's beautiful voice feeds the soul. May the holidays fill your heart with peace, joy, and hope.

Unknown said...


You write so well and this blog is especially beautiful.
You are a very courageous lady.

It was wonderful seeing you and your daughter last May. I'm sure we will
get together again.

All my love and prayers and hope go to you my dear friend.
