Friday, July 4, 2008

Frisco, Texas Who Can Forget... 1 Year Ago Today!

photos in blend, courtesy of zippy888, and dc4Clay

It was 1 year ago today, many of us were down in that nice little town of Frisco, Texas.
Finding our seats in that HUGE arena, Pizza Hut Park.
I met OkClayhoman, and NoMistaikinAiken down there, and many other Clay fans. The clouds that had brought rain for the past 2 days, parted, and just as we got into Frisco, the sun came out, and stayed out until dusk.
What a Fantastic day and night that was.It didn't rain the rest of the night. Who can forget the moment this happened.........

THE COWBOY HAT..............
BY jordanaiken

Over 14,000 people spent the 4th of July,2007 together, in the company of great music. It was truly Awesome!!
Seeing Clay put that cowboy hat on, on the Jumbotrons, I thought we were all going to THUD, and cave in the field.
The soccer game was fun, the crowd loved Clay.The fans were all over the field dancing to the songs.It ended with 'GOD Bless the USA'. Perfect day, perfect night. Thanks Clay, for the memories.

by lenmayke

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Clay... One Small Soul

Around 3-4 years ago, I stumbled across a poem about Clay. It made me cry, it was so beautiful. It was written by a Clay fan who goes by the screen name, Nageea.. When I was off work for 10 months, dealing with my Cancer.........the only place I had it stored was in my work computer account. I was sad to find out that my account was closed from not being active. The only thing I was upset at losing, was this poem. Recently, I found Nageea once again. What she wrote so long ago, is still pertinent today, when it comes to what Clay has to put up with. Now, with her permission is what I treasure so deeply..................

One Small Soul

And Gabriel came to visit God,
in their warm and sunny land,

and found God sitting lost in thought,
a soul held in His hand.

“What are you up to, my Dear Lord
that makes you toil so long?

I thought you wouldn’t need much time
to fill that soul with song”.

“I did that first”, replied the Lord,
“ But then it came to me.

Why not add some other things
- there’s room enough, you see?.

His karma was to have a voice
that they’d call heaven sent

But other men have had the same;
I shall experiment.

There is a man we have with Us
who used to make them laugh

I think, perhaps this tiny soul
could use a bit of that.

Another’s here who gave her all,
that others might not suffer

This man I mold, he’ll be like her,
and make himself the buffer.

His path will be a thorny one
and often bleak and grim

for friends he’ll want, and comfort too
will be denied to him”.

He’ll feel the pain of being one
who’s locked behind the door

For things he has no way to change,
he’ll hurt, and suffer more.

“But Lord, with all the troubles that
You’ve put into his life

how can he overcome all that;
rejection, fear and strife?”.

“Look here, my dear sweet Gabriel,
look deep inside his core

I’ve woven in these threads of steel
- they’ll hold forever more”.

“Now I see this” said the angel,”
strength You’ve given to endure

and a smile to melt the hearts of men,
so sunny, bright and pure.

I do not mean to criticize, but oh!
- those ears! those feet !

You make him less than perfect,
Lord, he cannot have conceit!”.

“Ah yes”, smiled God, “I have indeed,
made a body without flow....

But that’s on purpose, Gabriel,
for the people aught to know

that perfection does not mean good looks
or a statuesque size four.

That bodies are but tools for folks
to wear while they explore

the heights and depths of humankind,
to find the joys of life,

of love and care and wonderment,
all ways to end their strife.

His ears will hear the cry of those who fall
and who have bled

Those feet will carry him to places
others fear to tread.

His walk will be a bumpy one,
oft treacherous at times

But he is made to persevere
and find more pleasant climbs”.

“It seems too much for one small soul
to carry such a load

how can you make him conquer in
a world that’s often cold?”

“Look closer now, into his soul,
it reaches out to Me

and brings along those others,
who would wish to be set free.

They’ll stop a moment in their work
to listen to his song

for he will be the teacher that they’ve
waited for so long.

His life will be an open book,
his actions will be ample

to cause all men to see the light
- he’ll lead them by example.

His hands will weave the threads of truth,
his arms they will enfold

My children and their children too,
the meek, the rash, the cold.

His eyes will be the green of growth,
of immortality

looking out with innocence,
as all mankind should be.

This soul, my angel Gabriel,
I give to those who prayed

for someone who would lead them home,
from places they have strayed.

To make men know that this one’s Mine,
I mold him with My hands

this child is to Me and Mine,
as oceans are to sands.

And to keep him real, and down to earth,
and only just for fun -

I’ll add a smidge of snarkiness -
- there now, I think I’m done”.
nageea, a Clay Fan.

It's been 5 years since the world discovered Clay Aiken, and I am still there, Clay!!
In my corner of the world, you are there!
In the chasm of my heart, you are there.
Within the confines of my soul, you are there.
And in my hours of darkness, you were there.
I am home now Clay, from once I strayed.
Thank You for leading by example.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Clay changes them, one at a time, but he's doing it.

This song seems so appropriate for todays blog....

It's In Every One Of Us by Clay Aiken
video is by claymateloudnproud

It's Sunday, and a couple days ago, I read a small article, that really made me think. There is a guy named Tim Worstall , and apparently he has written about Clay prior to the article I read.
I don't remember his writings, and the only way I saw this one, was from a 'Clay Aiken' google alert.
Well, Tims' first words in the article were, " I've mocked Clay Aiken before.... " and I was on the defensive already, but curious as all Hell, to see what he was going to say. Seriously, as I read, I was waiting for that proverbial other shoe to drop, if you know what I mean.
After 5 years of seeing the slams in print day after day, month after month, year after year, I knew Tim was going to come back with some kind of slam about Clay.
What he said from that point on has been rolling around in my head for 2 days now.
Here is his article, then I'll talk a little more about it........

June 26, 2008
Clay Aiken On Somalia

I may have mocked Clay Aiken in the past, but this time he's doing the right thing and reminding us about Somalia. What I feel is important here is that he's has been to these countries, many celebrities will embrace a cause just because it makes them look good, very few of them will travel to see the reality.

Clay has been to Somalia and he's also been to Afghanistan, he's seen the reality of life for people in those places and he should be respected for it.

Now , I was overwhelmed with emotions, from what Tim had done. He had , in a public forum with his reputation at risk, admitted being guilty of making fun of Clay, and then professing his change of heart, and acknowledging a respect for Clay.

I like to pick my battles when it comes to defending Clay, and I also like to commend when I see a good point being made too.
The very first comment in regard to this article, just stirred me instantly. Here are a few of the comments, and a couple responses from me, Martigyrl, and me,aka SuzyQ.


like France, he still deserves to be mocked. but ok about the Somalia thing.

Posted by: Kudzu Fire | Jun 27, 2008 2:26:59 AM

The reason people mock him is because other people mock him. Its not that he deserves it.

Posted by: Matt | Jun 27, 2008 9:40:12 AM

What entitles any of us to mock another person,when that person tries to live a clean, upstanding life?
What does he do to deserve the mocking, what does anyone do to get it done to them?
It is all a form of bullying, done by people who feel less than they want to about themselves. I think they lack the qualities they admire in others, and mocking is a way they feel content.
It's sad.
Clay has been 'doing the right thing' for 5 years now, but it is hard to see and know about, when the storyline is always about tabloid journalism subject matter.
While they toss Grammys to Winehouse, with good aim so as to not break the crack pipe in her pocket, Clay Aiken is walking the walk, and talking the talk. Reaching down and extending a helping hand, to people who only know him as a "real nice famous American guy who wants to help us."

Posted by: SuzyQ | Jun 27, 2008 11:12:57 AM

SuzyQ: Absolutely true and well stated.

Posted by: Copper | Jun 27, 2008 4:31:11 PM

SuzyQ you summed up what should be said about all this mocking of Clay Aiken. It is beyond me to come to any understanding at all why society feels somehow tearing someone down who just does not measure up to what their 'preconceived' notion of what a "man" should be could in anyway make them feel better?? These people , including the late night talk shows are nothing but schoolyard bullies.

We applaud people like "Amy Crackhouse" and Little 'slimy" Wayne but yet a man who puts his life on the line such as Clay Aiken is mocked just because we don't take the time to find out what a remarkable person he is , but instead chose to believe the tabloids!!

The truth that sets us free is for the most part the truth which some prefer not to hear. A lie told often enough ,sometimes becomes the truth to them !! Clay has stated 2 times he is not gay , plus he has said it is none of anyone's business .
I admire him for what he brings to the table as an entertain and how this beautiful soul continues to take back his life and walk the talk of who his is being comfortable in his own skin! I just pray for you who seem to get a chuckle from attacking him can look at yourselves in the mirror and say the same thing !!

Posted by: claysmyheart | Jun 27, 2008 8:11:26 PM

Thanks go out to the writer of this article, for recognizing that there comes a time in our personal lives, when we need to repair possible flaws in our value system.
Seems as though through your introspection, a lesson has been learned.
I'm elated to see you use the word,'respect' in speaking Clay Aikens' name.
He has just been to an extremely dangerous country, and he is building an honorable legacy of humanitarianism.
{Sometimes all it takes is the silent walking of one lone man, to make a difference.To bring about change, and to make others think twice about themselves, and how they treat other mankind.}

Posted by: Martigyrl | Jun 27, 2008 8:37:40 PM

I really intended my compliment for suzyq, although Matt's was a good one also. But I loved suzyq's comment about Winehouse receiving grammy after grammy. I'll never understand our culture, but I won't give up trying.

Posted by: Cookie | Jun 28, 2008 4:11:29 AM

I do believe that Tim Worstall, has taken that walk this week, and I commend him for that. Who knows how he will be in his next mention of Clay, but I like to believe that a change has occurred within. I like to think that he really did see something different in Clay, then he had before this article.