Saturday, March 21, 2009

Capturing the beauty of 'Broken Wings' by Clay Aiken

Video by renee4clay!!!

I wish I could capture a moment in time....image
It's 6:00am this morning, I'm driving down a 4 lane One way, and it's dark out. The amber lights are glowing down onto the street in front of the car, as I drive along. There is a little bit of sprinkling going on, so the feeling of good isolation inside my car is going on. Also, the dark tinted windows help that feeling. I am all alone, and decide to roll the window down about 2-3 inches.
In my CD player, is ATDW. Broken Wings comes on, and is ethereal. There isn't another car in sight, on this massive 4 lane One Way. The lights in the buildings that surround me are amber also, it seems. Then again, it could be the tinted windows that make all the lights look amber. A very warm lighting, and Clays voice projecting all around me.
It was like taking a walk in the rain, or sitting on the beach at night, around a campfire. It was so gentle, so emotional. So beautiful. I just love this CD. I want to scream at the world," Listen to this, hear what I hear".
The vocals, and the backing music are like none other. I've listened to this CD hundreds of times, I never tire of it, and I can never get enough of it.
I wish I could only capture that moment on film, as I've captured it in my memory bank.

{{{ I know that Clay has OMWH out, and I love it, but I just can't stop listening to ATDW.The whole album to me, is breathtakingly beautiful. His voice mingled with all of the backing vocals, and instruments, I truly believe that he gave his all for this album. I think (my opinion only) that when Clive Davis insisted on this album of 'covers', Clay knew that wasn't what we, his fans were expecting, and feeling a disappointment coming from us, he put his heart and soul into every single note, every line of every song. It is too bad that this album is getting brushed past by all, including fans, in favor of OMWH. I hope that Clay fans didn't just shelve this marvelous album, because it isn't what they wanted. If so, they are the ones losing out. It will always remain my favorite.}}}

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